Monday, November 10, 2008

smile :-)

Peace be upon with you,,

Just wanna say,,I smile couples of numbers today,,

1. Finishing my writing presentation,,and it was shocking I got full mark for it,,(it was a terrible speech)

2. Eating garden burger with strawberry,mango and granola yogurt,,(yummy,,,)

3. Watching television drama series at youtube,,,(so touched),,

4. Doing 25% studying,,+,,75% watching video,,ROFTL,,(I still have tomorrow rite??)

5. YMing with someone,,,(LOL)

6. Enjoying the song by 'cute is what we aim for' - ''Newport Living',,(still playing in my head,,ouh,,)

BTW,,good luck exam to seniors,,



bri_boomer said...

OMG such great things happen to you! I havent been smile for awhile not. Thanks to this cold -.-"

shah.rizal said...

,,alahai,,r u still sick??,,sigh,,xpe,,get ur smile by coming to RIT,,confirm,,