Thursday, February 12, 2009


Peace be upon with you,,

Just finished data exam,,which was kinda hard for multiple choice questions,,but it's okay,,
I'm very happy knowing other people happy story,,and
I'm sad when knowing something bad to others,,

At least I know of having life is wonderful isn't it?,,even I'm not the lucky guy among them,,
Hopefully I will get it someday,,

BTW, it hurts when people hate me. Sigh. I wish I could reverse the time and not doing what I have done now. But yet, I could not.

Erk,,lame post,,need to finish homework,,



MiMi said...

would u tell me more about the title?

shah.rizal said...

ouh..the title is in jpnese means 'korg semue',,hehe,,xde kaitan pon dgn isi post ini,,=P,,sori,,